Goldene Zeiten


Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Platz 5 - 1010 Wien

Ranking Platz 187
Gault Millau
A la Carte

Das Restaurant

Im Restaurant Goldene Zeiten erlebt der Gast eine Reise in die chinesische Welt der Kulinarik. Aber nicht nur in der Küche werden wunderbare Speisen zubereitet. Das gesamte Restaurant ist ein herrlich gestalteter Ort um sich zu entspannen und die Gedanken kreisen zu lassen. Ein stimmungsvolles und edles Ambiente vereint Modernität und Design.


3.7 (3 Bewertungen )
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  • Absolutely dreadful meal in this restaurant tonight . I got crispy chicken with ginger and scallions… it was floating on a bed of grease.! There was no ginger. The fried rice was also very greasy. The main course was 18.90 and the rice was an extra 5.90.The waitress brought a plate of nuts , and deep fried very. She said it was ‚from chef in the kitchen‘. We were charged 6.00 for this . This restaurant ripped us off. 2 main courses, 2 rice,1 glass of wine, I coke and … oh yes the gift from chef.(.and not even a small glass of tap water with the wine.)..was 62.30. We paid by card and she seemed surprised that we were not going to leave a tip. She didn’t look away when we were putting in our pin number. Don’t go to this restaurant.

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Tel 43 (1) 5134747
Pin Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Platz 5 - 1010 Wien
Clock Mo - So: 11:30 - 23:30Uhr

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